is no impossibility in Jesus, He heals and save.
The LOVE OF GOD AND BRAINWAVE is an inspiration to write about God and his love
to every creation. Understanding God’s brainwave and knowing how much he cares for
inspires his salvation and opportunity we can have or have received from Him.
God in his scripture inspires us that He knows our needs better than we can
imagine. The book also inspires fruit bearer and
Ikenna Uchechi
Ogbonna has been working to teach about Love of God and Brainwave for every
Christian on earth for long time. He lived in Nigeria, initially conducting research
and then as an employee of Prevailing Computers Training. He joined the teaching, Computer Science Teachers
Association (CSTA) at Association for Computing Machinery, New York in 2010, After many years of personal research about God's brainwave he decide to tell the world about God's love to mankind. This step led to
the actualization of this great dream today.
Copyright © Ikenna U. Ogbonna 2012
The proper right of the author has
been declared
All right reserve. Rewriting
of this book, copywriting or publishing without writers authorization is highly
prohibited, no part of this book will be allow to use anywhere on unauthorized
Contrary to rules
guiding this publication is illegal and will be persecuted
© 2012 Copyright
The inspiration to introduce to you this part
of the pack expresses how God’s blessings and love has been rendered
unconditionally. We obtain life, wealth, and health with so many life
occupancies. Think about childless woman aging how she feels at that situation.
We can
feel frustrated and abandoned but how did God understand the feelings, does not
that touch him. God teaches us to understand in any situation we should not
regret or renounce our commitment to him. He understands all we need and
delivers it to us at the time we accomplish our side of commitment. God demand
from us is very little but due to world lives today will consider it difficult
in our life.
To be
sincere to ourselves, what does it remove from us to be truthful and righteous
in all we do? Even though the world consider it otherwise God did not consider
it otherwise, it is a righteous way of life for every child of God. It will
cost us nothing and consume less energy than fabrications.
essentiality to worship God in honesty and sincerity reward us immensely in all
classifications of things in live. When we understand God everything works well
in our lives. This pack will teach us to understand God’s love and His plans
for us.
My acknowledgment
and gratitude goes to God almighty for His divine inspiration and guidance to
the finish point of this piece of book. I adore Him and extol Him at all time.
appreciate and thank my mother Mrs. Ogoma Ogbonna for her love and caring, and
for bringing me up in God’s way.
My appreciation
also goes to my elder brother Mr. Owuamalam N. Ogbonna and my younger sister,
Miss Nkeiruka Ogbonna and all family relatives for their love and support.
I greatly gratified
my friends and well wishers for their continuous support and encouragement.
I am
indebted to the Paper national editors for
their immeasurable support and time to crosscheck and edit this book.
humble gratitude goes to Jesus Christ for making supervision available.
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When the earth was created by
God it was empty darkness cover the surface of the earth, spirit of God was
hovering everyway on earth, then, God command light to come and light was. God
make demarcation between light and darkness which resulted to what we know
today as the occurrence of day and night. God didn’t stop formation after his
wonders were seen by his angels of heaven. God worked decorating the night and
day, the day with sun that shine to make everything during the day visible. The
night with moon and stars that beautifies the night for his creatures on earth.
God has purpose for
his children. The love God have for us is natural. It beginning from creation
of human and beautiful earth, then, God said to his one and only son Jesus
Christ alongside his angels let’s form man in our image and man was formed in
God’s likeness. It was after this God breaths in life into man through his
nostril, then, man begin to exhale and live together with God in the Garden of Eden
where God decorated and prepared to his liken on earth. God’s groundwork and
embellishment on earth are the finest adding his creations it makes everything
unique and incomparable.
Believe me reader;
how hope man ever obeyed God, God the best creator will create more to keep man
and his offspring happily forever. God figure man in his likeness. Man lived in
harvested and flourishing land to praise God and live. Let’s think about this;
tell me who meal is prepared and served without any contribution added will not
eat it.
Adam and Eve all
time enjoy close relationship with God with gratitude to Him over the things
created that full them with wonders and amazed. It was because of the close
relationship that makes God command man to give name to all his creatures in
there understanding. Therefore I your God who in his great wisdom and
understanding created heavens and earth have given you power and authority to
everything I have created on earth.
The love of God to us his
children never disperses like wind but last forever. The same love course God
to authorize man to control all his creatures like, animals, flying birds and
I always like to ask
myself this questions; who is God? How does God look like? Does God have
beginning and end? And how wide is the wisdom of God. Formorethan two thousand
years nobody has ever seen God or even said God is like ghost that is spirit
being. God only appear to us in human form not with his invisible and immortal
being. It is good when we setup certain quest of searching we finish it in a
wonderful way.
God is the creator
of heavens and earth with everything in the universe. Without his will today,
nothing will be created. The bible made us to understand that God is an
invisible and immortal being. We cannot see God but we can hear Him when speaks
to us. It is only God that cannot die. Bible explains it and said He is the
beginning and end. I sometimes wonder why scientist wishes to be like God. They
wish to be honoured like God. Let’s consider this computer users, it is the
limit capacity of your knowledge in computer operation that the system serves
God created us
releasing half percentage of his wisdom to his wise being which is human being.
We cannot stimulate his level of wisdom because we’re far to be compared. God
gave us authority over his spiritual being the Holy Spirit. Let’s take a look
at human security arrangement on earth. The solider, police, Navy and other
related forces are to protect and guide the lives and properties of the
citizens of every nation.
The Holy Spirit or
angels is commanded to keep guide over you. Angel is mounted to every one
person to guide his/her life on earth. Whenever you sin against God, the angel
makes you to feel guilty conscience and angels speak to us rightly and help us
to mediate in God’s word all the time. Through the angels God can massage us.
God loves you he keep guide over your life and your family.
Whenever you called
him he will never fail to respond.
I want to tell you a certain
story about two married women living in the same compound. The first woman
married since ten years ago but there is no child. The second woman married
over since 20 years ago but there is no child. People began to rumor about
them, while some people may curse them. Some people even may call them witch
crafters and barrel women.
Some might said
they’re receiving the pay back of their prostitution, other women may perhaps suggested
to their husbands, saying a rich and healthy man like you shouldn’t have to
suffer this kind of thing from your wicked married wife. Look outside you will
see many young ladies looking for rich and handsome man like you to marry or
look at me didn’t I look good to keep as housewife.
But in all this
situations these women pass through they didn’t stop praising God. They pray
all night and day to God and God answered there prayers. Not too long miracles
begin to happen. The first woman who is married over 10 years ago gives birth
to a boy named Daniel and her second baby boy name David. After two years the
first woman gave birth, the second woman delivered a beautiful girl the same day
with her husband brother’s wife who is living in the same house with them.
Today the two families are happy again, the deceiver the devil has been put to
shame forever.
God said I am not
happy when my children suffer out of inexperience and lack of knowledge. He
makes way to redeem us from every enemy captive. The bible specified this in
the book of John 3:16, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only
son that whoever believers in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
See, I am sending an angel before you, to keep you on your way and to
be your guide into the place which I have made ready for you
They are turned here and there, rolling like a man who is full of wine;
and all their wisdom comes to nothing.
Repentance is what
God want from you. Child of God you must change from all evil act and turn
around to follow Jesus Christ to make heaven. When we become born again God’s
blessings will flourish in our lives. The Bible specified that if anyone is in
Christ, he is a new creature. Now you’re in Christ have accepted Jesus Christ
as your personal Lord and Savior God we make you see the light. God is knocking
at the door in your heart. Open the door to let HIM come in to dwell.
As a lover of Christ
life we must meditate in God’s word in the bible which will help us build up a
relationship with God. God is our redeemer and understand very well that when
you give your life to God he we direct your step. He will call you his child
and you will know that He is your father. When you welcome Jesus Christ as your
personal Lord and Savior every hindrances, bondages, and curses upon your life
and your family will be broken. Through Jesus Christ one’s sin can be forgiven
and corrected. You will need believe and accept that Jesus Christ is the sent
Messiah Jesus Christ as the Messiah of the World has the greatest power after
God in heaven and earth. He is one and only son of God the maker of Heaven and
earth. God alone has authority and power over kings, Lords, Kingdoms, and
principalities of this world.
Jesus Christ was
sent on a trap on earth by His father to pay the ransom price of sin for lives
of sinners of which when they die hell await them after God’s judgment, but
still God loves’ unrighteous one like righteous man who keep God’s commandment
and is willing to die to follow God and son Jesus Christ.
Psalm 111:4 Certain for ever is the memory of his
wonders: the Lord is full of pity and mercy
The repentance spirit time, you
are living satanic life cheater, liar, and manipulator of all type of crime
your heart never condemned your act. You take pleasure in crime and look at
people cry gives your heart joy. Your friends and world knows you of various
crimes. The holy book notifies us on Christ avowal: I am come like a thief
nobody can foretell my come back week, month, and year. You must get
preparation ready and be at alert every day, don’t be like waiters that lose
hopes at the last minute be strong in faith and never lose hope to change from
satanic life that for long now hold you under captivity. It is when you
challenge the devil he resist from tempting you with different kinds of sin.
Then, you begin to acknowledge the work and wonder of God’s hand glorify his
holy name and acclaim your entire evil act done under captivity of deceiver the
You most invite God
wholly in your heart and soul to stay never going to leave, thus making him
“God” the occupant of your life and everything you will be on earth. Prayer
calls God’s attention to whomever calling. When you’re making petition to God
you most humble yourself. Dress like one that stands before king for favor.
Remember anyone standing before king humbles before present himself to king,
after come your petition or favor from your superior. There is one proverb that
says that obedient is better than
sacrifice. You can use a better tone to bring His present to you. God is
not far from us but sin brings bridge between us and HIM.
When you receive
message of repentance it becomes very special and in special way to get your
attention. The word of God is a seed planted or sow that grows fruit that
flourishes eternity and the fruit that flourishes nourishes the beneficiaries
greatly. Many people believe that righteousness is a difficult assignment to
human which could not be over ride by our first parents and continues to their
offspring’s. Adam and Eva lost their heritage in the Garden of Eden which God
gave to them, the word of God still made it clear that Garden of Eden vacuum
can be heritage of the righteous.
basically is rightful conduct we should always live on, thus practice
righteousness in speaking the right thing at all time, walk at the God’s way
all time, watch unlawful pictures at all
time and obey every commandment of God, that can be achieve following Jesus
Christ led down procedures and practicability. Jesus was on earth to help
sinners turn back to God by preaching to them about the kingdom of God
and salvation in heaven which cannot compare with any kingdom on earth. Jesus
on many of his occasions on earth wants us to embrace and practice every step
or conducts that will enable us make heaven. His fellow’s live to abide and
obey every commandment of God by appear as non-judge believes God is the best
judge. Avoid company of bad people and move in the mixed of good ones that have
fear of God. And be your brother’s keeper our God commanded us believers to try
and keep.
It is obvious that
Christians do not follow Jesus His Sons directions anymore. People identifies
as Christians today are like vagrant animals reason no Christianity live are
found in them again. Most Christians dedicate they time and lives to their work
and other things in the world. Instead to dedicate everything to the highest
God on his side there is reward for every work well done.
What does man expand
from all his labor at which he strives under the sun generation appears and
generations go although the earth remains perpetually. The sun ascend and the
sun positions and hasten back to where it lift up, the breeze rage to the south
and spin to the north encompassing and encircling it goes, constantly
persistent from its course. All watercourses flow into the sea hitherto the sea
is on no account full, the place streams come from there they revisit again. All
things are frustrating, additional than one can articulate, the eyes never
cover sufficient of seeing nor the ear it’s full of hearing. To the earth what
ever has been before will be again, what has been done in 1990’s will be done
again. There is nothing most modern under the sun, my people of the world is
there anything one can say; gaze this is something most modern it was here
previously long ago, it was here before our time and will be till generations.
There is no commemoration of men of old and still individuals who are yet to
come will not be memorized by those who go after. The earth is a market square
where everybody comes to buy and sell, know body stays in market forever. Or
when night interrupted you should blame anybody you cannot slow or fast forward
it movement of the earth rotational axis.
That is how the day
Jesus Christ will come to change the world going to be no time to give pretext
on your inaccuracy and to undo anything occurred in the past, for those of you
who have knowledge of computer understand meaning of undo and redo, undo to get
previous document for adjustment or correction and redo to come back to present
page before undo. But on that day your hiding secrets will no more be concealed
and judgment follows, tell me where you will run for protection.
It has been written
with assurance on that day every principalities and power against earth faces
judgment and persecution, there will be no place to hid or run for safety and
God will judge you according to how you spent your lives on earth. This present
day or time corruption is damned, every types of sin are damned, begin to walk
in a way no blame and accusations are found.
Change from bad to
good a time will come when ask to do evil you will reject evil. When people
will ask you to kill and you will say I am tired of killing. Reject evil lives
now there is time, begin to engage your life on something nice, have sober
reflection about your past and plan a better way ward to live a good life and
excel in all ramification with fear of God spirit inside you.
The reward obedient
child of God receive are many special rewards ever long to receive in life. The
rewards are special for your excelling in live with every beautiful remarkable
potential explored in you to learn and teach others. The way of righteousness
is simply way of life to live understanding God’s love for you, respect words
of God that is written in the bible, acknowledge his holy name and worship him
alone. Meditate his word inside mind and work in his way; these are many of his
principles for you to study and practice forever. Doing this on earth await you
excellent reward in promised paradise.
Change to change
others. Use your experience about live to transform lives, teach them word of
God and share transform gospel message that change your life. Teach them about
God and importance to worship Him in spirit and righteousness. Don’t teach
about yourself but share experience on transformation and redemption provided to
you by God for his salvation, be an exemplary leader that teach, instruct in
the way he leave live, his followers will be eager to walk in his principles
lead down.
Nourish them in live
and educate your worshippers about live on earth how unimportant are
everything. Better unremembered being that have not known in this world than
you existing. Every human being is on mission, understand your life, value your
plans, and comprehend the importance to achieve your plans before mission time
end. Understand the need to tell your mind the truth at all time. Be acquainted
with the significance to your root which is your instigation to earth, when all
these are considered understand important it is to know God.
Think about night
that comes to interrupt your fun, business and time. The night that lead your
mind into wisdom or dip sorrowful thinking for those you love and cannot ever
to lose them in death during the night sleep. Think about the day that bring
back our joy lost during night long, the day we ever wish not finishing because
of it enjoyment and fun.
Think about earthly
rewards and honor, the respect draw with reward that promote you and made you
an honorable person to the society. The power to exercise authority and orderly
are now under your control. Think about wisdom and understanding that make you
an honorable man and give you audience more than people in authority. Wisdom
and understanding that honest the king in your present; Wisdom that make you
great and noble person and understanding that interpret every difficulty to
your knowledge; Think about foolishness that make you ignorance to adopt every
good things, foolishness that lost your chances to acquire and get
understanding; foolishness that cause you to make heavy mistake that damage
years achievement but not satisfied later created errors and problem that causes
lifetime repair and payment. Think about insignificant of everything that have
no long merriment; futile for all thing achieve, acquired, reward and gifted
for it lasted for short time. Ineffectual of everything on earth; sense about
God the maker of heaven and earth, that creates you and me with beautiful
creatures for our happiness. Because of HIS will everything were created. The
God of providence! The protector! The counselor! And the savior of my soul!
Think about eternity
a place last moment of our days will be spend, eternity in hell or eternity in
paradise where there is praises and worship and Full merriment and happiness
for righteous inheritance. Remember your plan and mission the importance to
achieve your mission whether good or bad mission executed. Create excellent
performance in your work and place your good work on a sight-full area to
encourage focus and determinate people to achieve their goals. Avoid yourself
from certain behavior of some talented that hid their invention knowledge even
till old age. Your invention idea today is someone idealism before our time
that make way for your inventive idea.
Don’t be wiser than
you are and don’t claim to know than you do. A foolish calm and quietness
covers inexperience but wise that lack limit of understanding fall victim of
practicability result make wisdom and understanding an icon everyone wish to
achieve. The probability of wisdom and understanding play a vital rule in every
nation development and economic stabilization.
Enhance your potentials for
works in future and strategize your creative productivity in nation building.
Think about your
beginning know where you’re stepping to and where you’re inheriting. Impact to
the world in an exclusive way with your potentials utilize in all ramification.
Plant your seed to
today tomorrow harvest it and still work more in day to come because on earth
there is no rest moment in live. Only fools plant today and rest the next day
to eat yesterday’s achievement while it is still little.
Young men remember
to reward and honor your first wife that nourish and give you life in the most
needed time. Our mother is a special gift and love-care from God, she make sure
you lack nothing and always wish to see her little happy but becomes sad when her
children is sad. Love your mother and obey any of her instruction for God
promise to extend the number of your days on earth. (Special dedication to all
mothers and fathers) that understand the value of their children.
Think about
un-contented of everything to human; limit your access to non valuable things
and you will be contented with your achievement. Avoid yourself of such talks
that damage image for it will create criticism, loneliness and lack influential
opportunities. Watch and observe movement but talk less of it.
Ignorance lead, there is danger on your front but you stiffed ears
and heart to know the danger while others are running for their lives. That is
a dangerous practice. Build yourself in God’s way for it is better than ways of
man. Take knowledge of God for it will teach you righteous life to envy instead
of practicing evil. Make God your foundation, for good is that man dying
praising God with his whole life than he worshipping the devil. Love God and
worship Him alone, great is the man whose refuge is on God alone for God profit
and Satan can never profit anything. Dress like someone ready for sacrifice and
take aside every distractions going to cause disfavor before beginning on
lifetime journey with Jesus Christ. Life without full courage and faith bounce
back to your beginning. Teach about Jesus Christ any place at any time don’t be
afraid to worship Him. Preach to the world about salvation and redemption not
minding deadly some area and people may be.
Jesus Christ made it clear that
who determined to follow him will reject live and everything on earth. Apostle
Paul also made it clear; I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power
of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.
Righteousness is by
faith from first to last, just as it is written. The righteous will live by
faith stand your ground with Jesus for only Jesus can save. Blessed is he that
put trust in God and never you put trust in an ordinary gods. Jesus Christ was
tortured for our sin by us. He dies because of injustice, humiliation, and
disobedience of God’s commandment, He knew very well his sacrifice will change
God’s mind against us and bring unity to God and man. Jesus Christ is the light
of the world follow Him light will come into you, Light thus, shining of
wisdom, remarkable potential exploitation that pleases God and felicitate and
attract God’s glory from you. Forever more serve God whether they appreciate
your good or bad result follow him because He is the way.
Resist fresh
decision in your life pray for God decision and plead God for control over
fresh in your life. You most keep every instruction by God to defeat the fresh;
fresh is part of human body. You can control fresh by help of God’s divine
You most leave past
lives of evil practices no reward will come out of it. And no profit! Try to
remember all the time what you sow definitely will be what you will reap. Sow
good things so that good things will come. Let not temptation be an obstacles
to you, live free minded life to win all temptation in your life. Our mentor
underwent different obstruction to bring peace between GOD and man. Follow
Jesus Christ on a mission search of other lost sheep like you for it will
profit you. Jesus Christ dead on the cross to accomplish his mission on earth;
death have no greater power over him, his mission is to accomplish total
victory over sin and death. His sacrifice brings your life freedom,
reconciliation upon our sins from GOD.
Living in sin is a
curse an access to devil patrol and control in every human life. Jesus Christ
sacrifice paid a ransom price for every devil access to human and softens God’s
heart to forgive our sins.
The scripture made
us understand every soul that changes from evil to God will be welcome. And
good news is you that still procrastinate; the minute next can be too late to
change. Change to partake in God’s undying love for his children. No past
record for your sins are remembered, no account of sin anymore. Jesus Christ
sacrifice on the cross paid every ransom for your sin. His resurrection on the
third day conquoared powers of death, bondage, curses, and sin over your life. -
Submit your life to
God; make God and our lord Jesus the most vital thing of your life. The
beginning and end. Build your trust in Him alone, acknowledge his signs and
wonders, extol him above other gods. Praise him for fortification, mercies, and
goodness and most importantly believe in faith everything that He said.
I have something to
share with you friend, He that sustains my life is greater than other gods. He
that has no beginning and end is maker of everything visible and invisible;
above and far beyond. Remember God how kind and merciful been to you. You sinned but were not punished.
I think about defeat
of all evil by one man called Jesus Christ. He preached from country to
country; street to another, corner to next corner and house to house the good
news of God’s kingdom. There are many ways to reach-out and teach children of
God that have lost their side in God.
The wicked spies came with sweet voice
pretending to be one of you, decisively turn many away from God.
Jesus Christ today is calling
you to come back your crown is kept not wearied.
Every man decides the type of
life to live. It does not matter the area you specialize in doing good.
Man can control his
life and declare goodies around. We can make our life easier when we understand
God’s plan. God is love and kind.
God appoints those
who serve him because there is mission for them to achieve. The determinations
to serve God in anyway have a purpose. God is not man that thinks in man’s way,
God thinks like God.
Many today refuse
the call from God to serve Him. God is love and only He can provide us with
goodies. Even though we try to run away from our duties, but nothing stops his
will from been accomplish through us.
We have duty to do
in the house of God or anyway to serve. I know that some thinks serving God is
only done in the Church; we can serve God outside the church. God is every way
and his work can never be in one place. There are many things we do which we
don’t understand and a lot of others we neglect. We don’t serve God only by
serving in the Church or been a preacher. Let us point the areas we can serve
Devote your time and
energy to God.
Church activities
When you’re close to God’s
house definitely your heart is close to God. Belong in activities of serving
God in His house; don’t be left out in any program that glorifies God’s name.
The closer you turn to God’s people will make you nearer to God and loving Him.
Love to Other
God loves us so much and will
always love us. There are people that don’t know anything called love because
of how miserable their lives are. They
know nothing about love and nobody has shown them love, only God do.
Love your neighbour
and never forget that God always love you, even though you sin against Him.
Show love to those that need it, they’re around us, hopeless people, baggers,
orphans, and sinners. God is love and his love last ever more.
I sinned thousands of time but
God forgives all my sins and still loves me. A place or hearts were love lives
there is happiness and prosperity.
Holy Life
Our God is holy those that
serves him most be holy. We most give account of our life after we live this
earth. What will it profit you with the world and lose your own life eternity.
We must be holy and sacred in Gods eye. Our body is the temple of the Holy
Spirit, do not taint it.
When our body is the
temple of the Holy Spirit we are sacred and the presence of God will be with us
anytime will need his presence.
The love of God
starts the steps of finding secret of knowledge; we cannot continue to put down
a live that we know nothing about. Sometimes it is good we think a little how
life begin and end. What our mission is? And how we can accomplish it?
When we realize why we’re alive
most importantly the mission and accomplishment of it definitely we will not
realize our destiny and it important. There is still time to believe about it
but learn by heart time cannot stop for you.
Specifically, we do
things at times not knowing the consequences. Live is a very good thing that
ever happens to us. Frankly, things we regards as nothing is something. Don’t
say I am living a simple life while you forget some simple life is wrong.
Dear reader, I will
tell you a story how someone can kill not knowing about it. I have a good
relationship with someone and everything was going fine until I said something
that kills inside. When you kill is not only the time the opposition has
completely given up the ghost. You can kill through improper placement of words
no matter what happen. You don’t only need God in your live but his presence to
direct you at all time. Guide your steps, and your speech. God is greater than
other things we don’t know.
Live simple life with God’s
guidance because it is more careful than originally simple life.
There is something I
always wish about how I can fulfill my days with obedience to God’s will in my
life. Try to discover your secret character that can destroy everything you
have with God.
Bad live that will destroy your
relationship with God. Pray that God will help you build God and son bond.
To connect steady
faith and it bond is the most vital step and moment in live. Great is he steady
in God than connecting to earthly live. Imagine a handset without a network
connector, how can it connect to other handset users. Connect to God and he
will connect to you.
You must be ready to
do works of God try to make it the most vital prospective of your entire live.
Knowledge seekers do not stop until secret of finding and understanding and
resolving is discovered.
To forgive someone wrong doing
against you but is still in your heart is not forgiveness. Forget everything
that happened, some people we say it is hard to forgive and forget easily.
Weight scales do not balance the actual mass because sometimes you may not
stand with all your weight on it. Even sometime we don’t balance with our full
weight on it, but we can balance with our weight on it.
Learn to start
applying lives that will help you reduce your burdens. Condense impediment to
forgive totally other peoples wrong doing to you. If God forgive my sins and
your sins why would not you pardon others? When you pardon your persecutors God
will forgive all your sins.
No matter how hard
to forgive allow spirit of free minded life to come in you. Every day people
wrong and I may wrong in one way or other but could not know. But I forgive
them without a second thought. God as well will pardon all my sins, the one
committed consciously and unconsciously.
That is my reason
when said live plain life with God’s supervision since it is more cautious than
originally simple life. Stop tainting yourself with obstructions but change now
by beginning to adopt selfless life, love and kindness. It is easy to forgive sin when spirit of free
minded life is in you. Everything is with determination to make a reality.
Faith and determination walks in the same direction. Faith builds hope and
determination backs faith.
I have seen a
cigarette smoker who thinks his life smoking cigarette will never end, but he
build faith and was determined to fight it. Today he is not a smoker anymore.
No life is difficult to live or reject your faith backed with determination
will make it work. Just believe it that lives rejected by you will be forever
gone. In Jesus name Amen.
God makes a way when our hope
is lost. Providing us with his mercies and joy unspeakable! What shall we say
about God his love and faithfulness that never change?
Jesus was sent on
earth to save the world. His presence on earth makes God’s love for us
stronger. He created eternity defeat against the enemy of the world. We are
saved through him; our lives will change through him. God is with us because
Jesus Christ came to unite us.
Jesus Christ is our
stronghold in him we live eternity in paradise. He was on earth to redeem and
break all barriers between us and God.
Imaginations are as
thought, a world without any solution to solve problem on it. How will such
world survive, in the second thought our world today solve problem some kinds
that suddenly appears through Jesus inspiration and wisdom.
Jesus have forever
existed, the time He came on earth was on a mission sent from His Father
Jehovah. He created the earth and everything inside it. With love and kindness
he cares for it. At all time He represents us in God’s palace to forgive us our
wrong doing. For His children not to sin again, He guides us with His angels to
watch and teach us the way of righteousness and salvation.
He has ever live and
will ever live. He creates possibility from impossibility. Our lives depend on
him for everything we can remember needing. Only Jesus Christ can save our soul
from perishing because he is only name that save.
There are gods many
people serve but it cannot save them eternity only Jesus Christ can save
eternity. Only He has power of life and death, He alone can provide solutions
to our situation. Do not panic when it seems there is no way because Jesus will
make a way. Just trust in Him solution will appear to all your problems.
Riches and
liberation comes from Him. 2000 years ago Jesus was on earth to shine his light
in us. The dead cannot glorify God because they will not be heard by us but
only them. We’ll praise and worship Him so that His light of goodies and
liberation will reflect in us.
There is no
impossibility in Jesus, He heals and save. I am sick and called Jesus to heal
me now I’m healed. My faith has set me free and I am cured forever. Jesus
Christ is our hope and salvation, the young and old adore him. Generation past,
generation here and generation to come depend on him
He is the words we
converse and the world we cherish because of our treasures. His will makes
everything visible and invisible. Always his presence by our side, he moves in
the wind unseen.
Heavens open by his
calling and he flourishes us with goodies forever. Let’s pin spirit of doubt
because such will hinder us our blessing. Sometime when I pray and prayer took
long before solution; I will think maybe God has forgotten me. God is not
asleep he test our faith and love for him. When you pray with all your heart
and soul God will answer. The servants of the king get immediate answers
because there is close relationship. Come close to Jesus Christ and He will be
near you.
2 Peter 3:8. But, my loved ones keep in mind this one thing, that with
the Lord one day is the same as a thousand years, and a thousand years are no
more than one day.
2Pe 3:9. The Lord is not slow in
keeping his word, as he seems to some, but he is waiting in mercy for you, not
desiring the destruction of any, but that all may be turned from their evil
Keep living but
don’t give up hope no matter how your life turned today believe Jesus Christ
have solution to all of them. Before we needed something His already aware
nothing comes to Him unaware or by surprise. Persistently wait and call on him.
In his side there is love and happiness to our very soul and our presence is
recognize and respected anytime we come around. We are one family in Christ
that is His reason of dying in the cross to unite us together.
It is what you
desire all time you will find, desire goodies so that your world will
experience balance in all areas. Think not of evil but think and make your
heart good to attract God’s presence. Sometime will say we’re under curse due
to how our lives continue to look miserable. Have you consider your thought
could be the problem, the curse while you’re busy banding evil all time. Renounce
evil spirit that curses life through your tongue or thought. Remember, Jesus
Christ has carried our burdens we shouldn’t have to be anxious for something.
All you need now is
build physically powerful enemy barrier to protect you from backsliding. Fight
stronger to be not over shadowed by obstructions. A strong Love between two
people is not build easily; there are ingredients that over shadow the enemy’s
barriers. Jesus Christ has been racing long than you think to make you turn to
God our father in heaven.
There will be
problems as it was the time Jesus Christ came to earth, He was humiliated and
persecuted to save us and show His love. Following Jesus Christ you will have
to sacrifice all that you cherish to fight distraction. Before Jesus Christ was
persecuted He knew that his mother and father, relatives and friends and well
wishes mourn him, He was not concern for their earthly affections but his
concern was to bring happiness to them.
When you announce
Jesus Christ your personal Lord and saviour a lots of problems will come. Do
not backslide because it is most important in your life to fight and win.
Trouble of all kinds that will cause unimaginable pains! Fight it with all
cost, your faith and determination to destroy every barrier between you and God
will enable you win. Except if you’re not ready you will not win.
This type of test is
not the kind you will drop to continue another time, you most be prepared.
Backup yourself with Jesus Christ faith when He defeated Satan the devil. Surely your problems may be many but don’t
lose hope and your faith believe Him soon your trial will be over.
The benefits are
more enjoyable than the trails. Jesus presence will be with you, your prayers
will be given special attention. Your life will be for service to other. You
will show them love just as God has shown to you. His love and kindness will
never leave you.
Jesus Christ is the
new life and through Him we’ll become new. The old things are purified to
good. The darkness in us through Him
will suppress and awaken light of righteousness. Through Him we’re saved and we
will save others.
Your sins are never
a hindrance to you connecting God but your unwillingness to seek Him. Jesus
Christ dead to save the world and her sins, so an excuse of using sin as an
obstacle is not fine. I want you to pray this prayer; O God, destroy every spirit of unwillingness to seek you in me, in
Jesus name. Amen
Ask yourself what is
that I cannot overcome. I have been given a second chance to change my life.
Have I given Him that gives me a second chance a chance in my life? God is not
desperate; He waits uncomplainingly until you turn to Him. Today can be the
awaiting day in your life that you surrender totally to God.
A nursing mother is not
desperate to see her child behaviour like other brilliant children, she wait
patiently on her child. God is letting you to know by heart a running time
cannot wait for anybody, a minute can be too late to change.
Open your heart to
let Him in because He is the life that shines in you. Accept and love Jesus
because He loves you. God is love and love and love. Our heavenly father loves
us, Jesus Christ dead because of his love for us, and we his people will love
others in return. A place or hearts were love lives there is happiness and
God is love and those that
worship Him will love.
So dear brethren the
way of righteousness is the way of God. We will live eternity if we change our
life and adopt Christ life. Jesus Christ the son of God is the way, the truth
and the light. If you’re not righteous to be sacred in His eyes you cannot be
in God’s paradise after this earth. You most pronounce generally the truth of
determination to follow Jesus Christ and His ways. The light of the son of God
will shine from you to other. Do not delay anymore because the time is near.
On the day of
resurrection if you are not among the righteous Jesus our Lord and Personal
saviour will disown you. The time is now to change your life, to dedicate your
life to God. There is this song that says; I
have no power of my own, I confess today holy spirit of thou lord. I have no
power of my own. You have no power of your life so you don’t know the hour
when you will have to live this earth. Stop procrastinating time, the day of
judgment will be terrible to many.
Stop been stubborn
in adopting life you are suppose to live. Sometime we can make a very big
mistake because of our stubborn life. Do not be stubborn on the right thing to
do because it will save your life eternity.
Expect other parts of this book titled Love of God and Brainwave as time goes on.
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Presented by Expertson and filed by Prince Ikenna Ogbonna still IUO
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