see Africa Stage Two
Remarkable moment’s in the past

Africans Today
The Ethiopian Empire spans a geographical area of today Ethiopia,
Eritrea, and Djibouti,and included parts of Northern Somalia, Southern
Egypt, Eastern Sudan, Yemen and Western Saudi Arabia. Abyssinia was an
empire that existed for more than 800 years, from circa 1137 (beginning
of Zagwe Dynasty) until 1974 when the Ethiopian monarchy was overthrown
in a coup d'etat.
Afars and Issas Territory
formerly known as French Somaliland, the French colony was renamed to
the French Territory of Afars and Issas (1967 - 1977),the territory
became independent in 1977, known today as Djibouti. Djibouti
formerly a British protectorate became independent in 1966 as the Kingdom of Lesotho.
formerly a British protectorate became independent in 1966 as Republic of Botswana.
Belgian Congo (1908 - 1960)
Democratic Republic of the Congo
a coastal region of Somalia; covering most of the Indian Ocean coast of
the country, from the Gulf of Aden to the Juba River, formerly part of
Italian Somaliland.
Biafra, Republic of (named after the Bight of Biafra) nowadays part of
Bophuthatswana - nominal republic and homeland for Tswana-speaking people, 1949 reincorporated into
South Africa
Bourbon Island
Reunion Island
British Bechuanaland (region) incorporated into the Cape Colony (1895)
South Africa
British East Africa or East Africa Protectorate
British protectorate from 1890 until 1920
Kenya, Tanzania,Uganda, and parts of Somalia (Jubaland)
Cape Colony, 1795-1797 British colony, 1803-1806 colony of the Batavian Republic (Netherlands), since 1910 part of
South Africa
Central African Empire
Central African Republic
Kenya Colony
The Colony and Protectorate of Kenya was part of the British Empire in
Africa. It was established when the former East Africa Protectorate was
transformed into a British crown colony in 1920.
Ciskei (Republic of Ciskei)- homeland for Xhosa-speaking people, 1994 reincorporated into
South Africa
Dahomey; (the Republic of Dahomey; in French: République du Dahomey),
was a former French colony andpart of French West Africa until
independence in 1960, in 1975 the Republic of Dahomeychanged its name in
Dan Ho Me was an ancient Kingdom located in the south of today Benin.
French Guinea was a French protectorate in West Africa, after independence from France in 1958 it became today
French Somaliland
French Sudan
French West Africa
was a federation of eight French colonial territories in Africa:
Mauritania, Senegambia and Niger, French Sudan,French Guinea, Côte
d'Ivoire, Upper Volta and Dahomey.
Mauritania, The Gambia, Senegal,Niger, Mali, Guinea, Côte d'Ivoire,Burkina Faso and Benin.
German East Africa (German: Deutsch-Ostafrika)
a German colony from 1885 until 1919 which included Burundi, Rwanda and
Tanganyika (the mainland part of present Tanzania), an area almost
three times the size of Germany today. German East Africa colony ended
with the defeat of Imperial Germany in World War I. With the Treaty of
Versailles the territory was divided between Britain (Tanganyika.),
Belgium (Ruanda-Urundi), and Portugal (to become part of Mozambique).
Burundi, Rwanda, and Tanzania
(German) Southwest Africa
Gold Coast
Grain Coast
Hausaland, consisted of seven independent city-states: Biram, Daura, Gobir, Kano, Katsina, Rano, and Zaria.
Niger, Nigeria
Italian East Africa (former name for Italian possessions in eastern Africa)
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia
Kaffraria, former name for Transkei
South Africa
Katanga - 1960, Belgium granted independence to the Congolese province of the
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Malagasy Republic
Mali Federation, was a country in West Africa 1959-1960, formed by a union between
Senegal and Mali
Nubia (region)
Sudan, Egypt
Portuguese East Africa (Província Ultramarina de Moçambique)
Mozambique or Portuguese East Africa (officially the State of East
Africa) for almost 500 years a Portuguese Colony, 1498–1975. See also:
Rhodesia, Northern
Rhodesia, Southern
Rio de Oro (region)
Western Sahara
Sahara Occidental, Spanish name for
Western Sahara
Sahel (region) Burkina Faso, Chad, The Gambia,Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania,Niger, Senegal
Senegambia (region; former name of the confederation of Senegal and Gambia)
The Gambia, Senegal
Songhay (Songhai), in the 16th century a major empire of the Western Sudan, in the region of
Mali, Mauritania
South-West Africa (SWA, German: Deutsch-Südwestafrika), a German colony from 1884-1915
Spanish Guinea
Equatorial Guinea
Spanish Sahara
Western Sahara
Spanish West Africa (former name for Ifni and Spanish Sahara)
Morocco, Western Sahara
Stellaland, Republic of; annexed by the Boers later British Bechuanaland, incorporated into the Cape Colony (1895)
South Africa
Sudanese Republic
Tanganyika Territory, united with the islands Zansibar and Pemba it became
Togoland (British Togoland), since 1957 part of
Transkei (former Kaffraria and one of ten "black homelands" and nominal republic, in Southeast of )
South Africa
Transvaal or ZAR - Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek; today the Province Limpopo of
South Africa
Ubangi-Shari (Oubangui-Chari) a former French territory in central
Africa, whith independence on 13 August 1960 the country became the
Central African Republic
Union of South Africa
The Union of South Africa was formed on 31 May 1910 as a parliamentary
union of the four self-governing British colonies: the Cape of Good Hope
Province (Cape Province; previously Cape Colony), Natal Province (Natal
Colony), the Orange Free State Province (Oranje Vrij Staat/Orange River
Colony) and the Transvaal Province (Zuid Afrikaansche
Republiek/Transvaal Colony). The Union came to an end in 1961with a new
constitution and became the "Republic of South Africa".
South Africa
Upper Volta, Burkina, today
Burkina Faso
Zaire, changed its name in 1997 to
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Zanzibar (island, east off the coast of Tanzania) a former protectorate
of Britain. Zanzibar gained independence in1963 united with Tanganyika,
today it is a semi-autonomous part of
Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (ZAR) or Transvaal colony; today the Limpopo province of
South Africa
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